Israel, the Church & the New Covenant

Israel, the Church & the New Covenant

Three consequences of the fall are that all mankind since Adam have been born from a corrupted seed, the seed of Adam in his fallenness, all mankind since Adam have been born with a corrupted heart, a heart that is self-seeking & opposed to God & all mankind since Adam have been born with a corrupted spirit, a spirit that is fleshly & worldly & not in communion with God. The New Covenant is God’s promise to turn those consequences around so that redeemed mankind, including redeemed Jews & Gentiles, are born anew from incorruptible seed, with new hearts & with God’s Spirit placed within them. This message looks at these truths as they relate to Israel, to the Church, to the message of the gospel & to discipleship.

Online Sunday Morning Service
29th October, 2023

Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.



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