What On Earth Is God Doing? (6) God is shaking so that only that which cannot be shaken remains. In all that He is doing or allowing, a polarisation is taking place where, on many issues, we find ourselves on one side of a line in the sand or the other. This message looks at the Kingdom of God & the separation of that which is done according to the principles & the truth of the kingdom of God as opposed to that which is done according to the ways of this world. We are called to the kingdom for such a time as this & whilst we wait for the coming of the King of the Kingdom, we need to be about the works of the Kingdom.
Online Sunday Morning Service
17th October, 2021
Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.
One Comment
Mavis Newton
“The Lord has put every creature on earth for a purpose and each compliments the other. He also placed us here to live as His sons and daughters according to His love and will. Eph 1:5 We are predestined to live to the praise of His glory. All the wooing words of scripture are to motivate us to seek His will and live to enlarge His kingdom as Matt 6:33 states. Praise Him!