An end-time signpost that points to the imminence of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ is the coming together of the One World Church in alliances with the One World Government agenda, during the Tribulation. When the One World religious system (the One World Church), is walking hand-in-hand with with the One World political system & with the leaders & organisations within that One World political system, then the Great Harlot, the Whore of Babylon will have been made manifest, she will have been revealed. This message looks at the fact that the prophesied end-time alliance between the One World Church with the One World political system is not something that is yet to come, rather it has occurred already, it is here now. The Whore of Babylon is not coming, she is here now! Time is short, Jesus is coming soon.
Online Sunday Morning Service
20th November, 2022
Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.
One Comment
Mavis Newton
What an expose of the deception that’s going on. There is none so blind by one that doesn’t want to see!