Why Be Filled with the Holy Spirit? Powerful scriptures reveal very clearly to us why we need the Holy Spirit to live a Spirit-filled life. We must answer this imperative question: Why Do We Need to be Governed by the Holy Spirit? There are 3 definitive answers to this question which will help us see where we are comparative to God’s Word. The Christian life is not meant to be ordinary, but extraordinary. The Lord has given every believer the Holy Spirit to dwell within them to enable us to live lives that are otherwise impossible to live. Lives that reflect back to the world the qualities and nature of God, as manifested in the person of Christ Jesus.
Online Sunday Morning Service
19th May, 2024
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Harvey Rosieur
You seem to be implying that everyone who believes receives the fulness of the Holy Spirit at that time.My understanding is that they receive the ‘seal’ at that time but may or may not experience the infilling of the Holy Spirit then. I am very conscious of my own experience at the time of the Charismatic era. The Holy Spirit barely got a mention in the church (except for Pentecostals, and so I, like most, were completely ignorant of His vital importance . So it was in the Book of Acts 19:2. Many believers were not even aware that there was a Holy Spirit . In subsequent examples they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit through the subsequent laying on of hands, as was my own experience when I first’ heard’ about it. Many ‘believers’today still deny its importance, because of bad teaching I presume, yet how do they read the relevant scriptures without the Holy Spirit teaching them if He is already there? How did I miss it?
It is a matter of great concern to me that there still remains so much ignorance . The Spirit Baptism is not an optional extra , but a command and as Jesus said, ‘If you love me you will keep my commandments’. I would be grateful for your further comment.
Hello Harvey, and thank you for your comments and question. I am so glad that you have picked up on that implication and that you feel to comment on it. What I am likely to speak on next time is the difference between the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (received at our conversion) and being baptised in the Holy Spirit as an often separate and very necessary event. It was my intent and desire to firstly look at the fact that we have already received everything we need for life and godliness at our re-birth as written in 2 Peter 1:3 and that there is nothing more we need to wait for or receive in progressing in our sanctification. I have had people who have been struggling with ongoing besetting sin ask me to pray for them that they would receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit because they feel that this would be the answer to this issue. I am sure a person who is baptised in this way would very much benefit, but as far as walking victoriously in all that was accomplished by Jesus at Calvary, I do believe scripture makes clear that we have already received all we need. What scripture also seems to be clear on is that when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers and they were baptised and filled in this way, they were suddenly transformed and empowered to become bold and powerful witnesses, with miraculous signs and wonders following them as they proclaimed the Gospel. It is my personal conviction that this is true for us today and is still a very necessary part of our enabling in fulfilling the Commission.
Harvey Rosieur
I had finally just finished writing a further response to your reply -hours- and inexplicably it simply dropped.Gone!!The page is blank! I cannot even attempt to repeat it. I explained why I could not let the subject go , but the tired feeling discourages me from attempting to regurgitate it at present and already I cannot remember easily what I wrote. I guess I will wait for your further teaching .This matter troubles me more than any other, still. I do remember the scripture which came to me during a night of visions which I may have related to you earlier regarding a COMING revival/outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will precede the Rapture (but I had repeated in my now lost response). Mat Ch 25 :29
I feel your anguish Harvey. This nation needs the church filled with Spirit filled believers boldly proclaiming the truth in love and it is a serious matter to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I believe from Scripture that there will an endtime pouring out of the Holy Spirit and subsequent revival greater than what was seen on Pentecost and that Pentecost was only a partial fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy. I also believe that scripture clearly shows us that there is a filling of the Holy Spirit that is separate and subsequent to believer’s coming to faith and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit. And again, I too believe this is a serious matter. Shalom Harvey, and know the Lord’s peace, blessings, David.