The Last Days: What Does That Look Like? (12) In this message we look at three final events that will occur prior to the seven years of the Tribulation. They are: the rise of the Antichrist, a time when people are declaring peace & safety & the confirming of a seven-year covenant with Israel. Again, our purpose in looking at these events is to show us how close they are to being fulfilled in our day so that we recognise the urgency of the hour, so that we are serious about being about our Father’s business & so that we are ready for the coming of our Bridegroom. Sadly, what Jesus warned in Matthew 24:37-39 about the Days of Noah & in Luke 17:28–30 about the Days of Lot are being fulfilled around us today. Sadly, many in the Church are scoffers as Peter warns in 2 Peter 3:3-4 somehow believing that our world today is as it has always been. God will have a remnant who are alert & awake & who are like the sons of Issachar.
Online Sunday Morning Service
18th August, 2024
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