Awake & Alert or Crying Peace & Security

Awake & Alert or Crying Peace & Security

(Times of the Signs #15). In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Paul speaks about two groups of people, those who are awake & alert to the times & seasons & those who are asleep, who in their blindness, are crying peace and security. This messages addresses some current events in a call to God’s people to be awake & alert to the urgency of the hour.

Online Sunday Morning Service 16th August, 2020

Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.



  1. Joyce Cooper

    Thank you, thank you Peter for being obedient and bringing this timely message from God. On the one hand, world events are almost fascinating to watch, but on the other hand they must be terrifying to those who are ‘lost’, and that fear is no doubt responsible for bringing out all the dreadful nastiness/bullying happening in our society today.
    The most precious possession in these times is having His peace!

  2. Rosemarie Driver

    Thank you Peter , Sue & the team for bringing this message that Jesus laid on your heart today, so important for us to be awake and ready for our Lord is near. My heart weeps as a fellow New Zealander that we as a nation has had the law to abort at birth and hear the statistics broke my heart I can hardly write this I’m crying. Yes Lord hear our prayer, heal our land.

  3. Brenda Anne Mackay

    Once again Peter you have “ RIGHTLY DIVIDED GOD’S WORD”….what a blessing your message is! (equipping the saints for the days ahead! )
    Standing in His Armour,
    Thank You!
    Brenda n Bruce

  4. Hesiod

    Thank you, Ps. Peter for your encouraging and expositional message from 2Thessalonians 2:1-12.12.Comments on Mins 33:34 -34:38 : Might I humbly say that I differ from your exposition: I submit it to you that ” he “(He, in some versions) refers to the HOLY SPIRIT indwelling the true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the many versions of the Bible presented in the Parallel Online Bible, the “restrainer ‘ is presented as a “he (He)”, except for a couple of versions, where the “restrainer” or “the one” is used. Might I say that in the Bible the Church has not ever been referred as a “he” , but as the “Bride of Christ”, referred to as “she”(Rev.19:7-8 being the most clearly expressed). While in Heaven, “there is neither “male” or female” , in this current day and age of aberrations, personally I’d be careful not to use “he” for the Church of Christ. You very correctly explained that based on John 16;8,, the “restrainer” could not be the Holy Spirit because He is necessary on earth during the Tribulation. for conviction and judgement. I am reminded that the Holy Spirit was at the beginning of creation(Genesis 1:2) before there was a “True Church” even as He was moving on the earth, among certain elected people in the Old Testament. Moreover, the “True Church ” is only True because of the Holy Spirit of Truth in her; in and of herself alone, she can do Nothing. Thank you for the space to express the above. The Lord God bless you for your faithfulness to His Word.

    • PHW

      Thanks so much for your comments. I agree that the restrainer in this verse refers to the Holy Spirit indwelling the true Church. I did try to convey that but I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear. That view is quite distinct from the teaching that states that it is the Holy Spirit Himself who is removed & the inference is that the Church remains to go through the Tribulation. The true Church in the last days will be evidently led & empowered by the Holy Spirit.

      • Hesiod

        Thank you so much for your clarification: I have not known there’s a teaching out there of the ” removal” of the Holy Spirit ! I’m beginning to truly understand your explanation and sincerely thank the Lord Jesus Christ for using your message to enlarge my understanding of what is “taught” out there. Thank your for being faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ , the Word of God. God bless you and Sue and the congregation of Jesus First.

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