The Glorious Cross of Christ (4). Jesus is coming soon for a Bride whose heart is wholeheartedly for the Bridegroom. One of the issues with the false (compromised) gospels that have prevailed in recent times, is that many in the Church have no understanding of the call to surrender fully to the Lordship of Jesus in their lives. A.W. Pink said that the consequence of these false gospels is that “many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnality and worldliness.” In other words, many want to be saved from hell but they don’t want to give up the throne of their lives. This message calls us to examine ourselves to see if Jesus is truly Lord of our lives or whether we are still holding the reigns in certain areas. Does He truly have my heart or is my heart divided? Am I still holding onto the past? Am I still holding on to the things of the world? Am I still seeking to please myself? Am I earnestly seeking first His kingdom, His rule & reign in my life?
Online Sunday Morning Service
5th December, 2022
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