in the early part of the Tribulation, the One World Church rules with the Antichrist & Revelation 17:15 reveals that the One World Church will have universal authority over all nations & all people in the earth at that time. The last days events leading to the Tribulation are rapidly advancing, including the birth pangs that Jesus speaks about which are increasing in frequency, in intensity & in convergence. Consequently, many today see that the Tribulation is not too far away & in preparation for it’s role with the Antichrist & the One World Government, the One World Church needs to quickly & increasingly become popular, extremely powerful & accepted in the earth. This message warns about what to be aware of as the One World Church arises in this last hour.
Online Sunday Morning Service
3rd December, 2023
Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.
Harvey Rosieur
Surely this mesage must be taken to heart by every believer . The world has become a most perilous place, as anyone must recognise , and the Church system cannot save us, as Catholics are taught, and their leader is a founder in the false One World Church . These are dangerous times . We must test everything , holding fast only to God and His Word. It is written that the just will live by Faith. I believe there is a last true revival approaching (an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit, which will bring about a final separation of the ‘wheat from the tares’ – the true from the false- before the Rapture.
Bless you Harvey. Amen, we must test everything & we must be lovers of Truth. Believing with you for God to pour out His Spirit one more time.