Sermons by Anton Heyns
So Very, Very Far From Home
What Happened?
Such Scum!
The Revelation of the King – Zechariah 12
Exposition of 1 Peter (5)
In this message, Anton takes us through 1 Peter 2:4-8 and we see the significance of Jesus as the living stone and THE cornerstone that we, as living stones, are being built into as God’s spiritual temple. We are the dwelling place of God by His Spirit, called to be a royal priesthood as we are aligned with Jesus, THE cornerstone “that the builders…
Exposition of 1 Peter (4)
Anton Heyns continues his exposition of 1st Peter. In this message he looks at 1 Peter 1:17 to 2:3 and he encourages us to make our lives count for Jesus and for His kingdom, that God has moved sovereignly to bring us into a reconciled relationship with Him and that God is bringing us into a place of maturity and fruitfulness in Jesus. Online Sunday Morning Service,…
Exposition of 1 Peter (3)
Anton Heyns continues his excellent exposition of 1st Peter. In this message he looks at 1 Peter 1: 10-16. He carefully unfolds the spiritual background, emphasising it with supportive quotes from the Old Testament. We are reminded that angels long to look into such things but we are privileged in this day and age to see the full revealing of the Gospel and things that…
Exposition of 1 Peter (2)
The second message in what will be an informative and inspiring series of messages from the book of 1 Peter. In this message, Anton addresses the truth from Scripture that we will face trials and battles in this life but that they are for a divine purpose to prepare us for the glories to come, in this age and in the ages to come. Online Sunday Morning Service 28th June,…
Exposition of 1 Peter (1)
The first message in what will be an informative and inspiring series of messages from the book of 1 Peter. This message looks at the first 5 verses of chapter 1 and deals with some very important topics including God’s mercy, our calling and the resurrection of Yeshua, our Messiah.