For years in the West, we have been progressively desensitised concerning things from the new age, the occult & from eastern mysticism. Entertainment & the media have consistently trivialised spiritual realms & realities that a generation ago we would not have easily tolerated so that today they are viewed as harmless entertainment. Sadly, there has been a growing tide of spiritual practises & spiritual disciplines being practised & promoted in the Church that are founded in the spiritual practises & the spiritual disciplines that have their source in the occult, in the New Age, in Buddhism & Hinduism & in Eastern & ancient Catholic mysticism. This message looks at what Scripture says about embracing practices & disciplines that are founded in false religions & at why the rationalisation for doing so, does’t line up with God’s Word.
Online Sunday Morning Service
21st May, 2023
Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.