Our Story
In the beginning
Peter and Sue Whitcombe are the founding leaders for Jesus First, New Zealand. They started the North Shore Church in late 2005, meeting initially in the Staffroom at the Oteha Valley School. The Church soon outgrew the Staffroom and then the children’s ministry became too large for the available facilities, so a move to Northcross Intermediate School followed in March, 2008.
Who we are
We are a church of a number of different ethnicities and of people of all ages. Our people are sincere in their love for God, passionate about worshipping Him, committed to being disciples who are disciple-makers, committed to standing with Israel and believing for God to move by His Spirit in our nation.
And now today
We still gather on Sunday mornings at the Northcross Intermediate School, Sartors Avenue, Browns Bay. The auditorium is situated through the main school office entrance at the end of the driveway. We have a Worship and Communion Service at 10.00am and we enjoy tea, coffee and fellowship after the service.
At the heart
Our hearts are to see the unsaved come to true salvation in Christ and to see the saved “equipped for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13)
Our Focus
Jesus first in all we are & do
- exalting Him as Lord; as the second Person of the Trinity
- knowing Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life
- seeking Jesus ahead of knowledge, truth or principles for life
- lifting Him up that He might draw all men to Himself
- living and serving in obedience to Him rather than the expectations and traditions of men
- having His heart for the lost and the hurting in our city
Reaching the lost through
- going out into the streets of Auckland with the true gospel: the gospel that calls the unsaved to repentance for the forgiveness of sins and that leads to genuine new birth in Christ and to transformed lives
- “marketplace” ministries reaching out to the needy in our city, including the poor, the homeless, the widows, the orphans, the prostitutes, the street-kids, the addicts, the sick, our neighbours, our workmates – those God calls us to reach as the Lord opens up opportunities
- prevailing prayer and the conviction of the Holy Spirit
- services where God is moving in salvation
- impacting individuals with the true message of salvation
A Community Church that
- preaches the gospel of Christ
- is the centre for corporate worship and ministry
- is responsible for corporate mission, teaching, prayer and intercession
- provides apostolic leadership and oversight
- encourages and releases ascension gifts and ministries
- encourages, releases and supports “marketplace” ministries (or community-based ministries)
- is moving in signs, wonders and miracles.
The Church's role as God's vessel
- to proclaim, demonstrate and manifest the Kingdom of God
wherever God opens doors - to fulfill the Great Commission by going into all the world,
making disciples of all nations (missions)
Acts2 Groups (Cell Groups) that
- are relationship-orientated groups of individuals who and meet regularly in places like homes and cafes
- provide mutual encouragement and support
- provide for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in an environment of encouragement and learning
- reach out to the people in our communities in both supernatural & practical ways
Worship as Priority. Worship that
- is heartfelt, vibrant and expressive
- exalts God and glorifies Jesus
- is focused on the Lord, not on man
Preaching and teaching that
- is Christ-centred and prophetic
- holds God’s word as authority
- releases faith in Jesus and which calls for discipleship
Ascension Ministries set in the Church
- the Church will be established on the foundation of Apostles and Prophets
- active role of Apostles, Prophets and Teachers in Church government
- restoration and operation of the ascension ministries in the Church
- to equip the saints for the work of the ministry and for the unity, maturity and growth of the Body of Christ
Commitment to walking with others in the Body of Christ
- actively praying for other Churches and ministries
- a unity of the Spirit with those of a similar heart, without compromising truth