Israel: the Key to End Time Signs

Israel: the Key to End Time Signs

In this twelfth message on the TIMES OF THE SIGNS, Peter looks at Israel as the centre-piece of God’s redemptive & prophetic purposes & God’s time-piece in His redemptive & prophetic timetable in these last days. We look at why Israel is such a key biblical sign of the last days & why the restoration of Israel as a nation, back in the land God promised them by covenant, was such a significant event.

Online Sunday morning service, July 5th, 2020.

Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.



  1. Joyce Cooper

    Bless you Peter for another very thought provoking message. The map of the (approx.) land promised to Israel is extraordinary!! Only God can, and will, make that happen!

    • Peter Whitcombe

      Thank you Joyce. You are an encourager! These are indeed exciting days as we see God outwork His purposes. He is the God of the impossible, the One who moves mountains, whose promises cannot fail. Hallelujah. Go well, keep well & keep safe.

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