The Holy Spirit & the Victory of the Cross

The Holy Spirit & the Victory of the Cross

The Glorious Cross of Christ (12). As those to whom God has given a new heart & a new spirit through new birth, we are recipients of the promises & the provisions of God because they are only found in Christ as an outworking of the finished work of the Cross. If we are in Christ, then the Third Person of the Trinity, the blessed Holy Spirit dwells within us. As a consequence of the indwelling Holy Spirit we are called to be directed & guided & empowered for life & service by the Holy Spirit rather than being directed & guided & empowered & motivated & empassioned by the flesh, by our own endeavours & our own striving & by our own natural understanding & human reasoning. This message looks at the need for the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Church & in the life of a believer. We also look briefly at the gifts of the Holy Spirit, at the call to worship God in spirit & in truth so that we walk not by might, nor by power, but by the Sprit of the Lord.

Online Sunday Morning Service
16th July, 2023

Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.



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