Heaven’s Glories Instead of Hell’s Terrors (1)

Heaven’s Glories Instead of Hell’s Terrors (1)

The Glorious Cross of Christ (10). One of the divine exchanges that took place at Calvary, which we have entered into through new birth in Jesus & through the finished work of the Cross, is that we received the promise of Heaven’s glories in place of what we deserved, which is Hell’s terrors. This message looks at what Scripture says about Hell. The next message will look at what Scripture says about Heaven & both of these topics, Heaven & Hell, are rarely spoken about in the Church today. It’s true that if we don’t know about Hell, we have no idea what we have been saved from & if we don’t know about Heaven, we have no idea about what we are saved to. As David Pawson said: It is virtually impossible for sinful man to appreciate how offensive his sin is to a holy God or how heinous his rebellion is against heaven’s rule without rightfully considering Hell. We see also that God sends no one to Hell but gives mankind the free will to choose between Heaven’s glories & Hell’s terrors.

Online Sunday Morning Service
18th June, 2023

Slides from this service are below. Click on the “SAVE” button above or on the download page icon in the bar below the Slides to download these.



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