Israel & the Church in Romans 9-11
This series of messages looks at Israel & God’s redemptive purposes for His chosen nation Israel from Romans 9, 10 & 11. These three chapters of the Book of Romans, chapters 9, 10 & 11, are often skipped over in the teaching & the preaching of God’s Word & are even skipped over & ignored in many of the commentaries available today on the Book of Romans The reason for that is that these three chapters deal with Israel & the Church & they contradict the view of most of the Church today – which is that the Church is the NEW ISRAEL, that God has replaced Israel in His plans & His purposes & that what He once intended for Israel, God now purposes for the Church. This is the LIE & the HERESY known as Replacement Theology which predominates in much of the Church today & in theological colleges also. BUT GOD…. is restoring the understanding of the messianic Jewish roots of our faith to much of the Church at a time when what God has done in recent decades & is doing in & with Israel today, confounds those who hold to the lie of Replacement Theology. End-time prophecies require Israel to be back in the land that God gave them by way of an unconditional covenant promise (Genesis 12:1-3) & end-time prophecies require Israel to be a nation again. The birth of Israel in 1948 in the fulfilment of prophetic Scripture set both of those scenarios in place. If you don’t know God’s plans & purposes for Israel as revealed in Scripture, then you cannot understand end-times & if you don’t understand end-times from Scripture, then you are in danger of dwelling carelessly like the five foolish virgins. This is an important series of messages.
God’s Gifts & Callings Given to Israel Are Irrevocable (Romans 9-11 #12)
Israel, the Natural Branch, Grafted In Again (Romans 9-11 #11)
Gentile Salvation: To Provoke Israel To Jealousy (Romans 9-11 #10)
Has God Rejected His People Israel? By No Means! (Romans 9-11 #9)
True Faith Only Through Hearing the Word of Christ (Romans 9-11 #8)
Confession & Belief For Salvation (Romans 9-11 #7)
Israel’s False Trust In Works of the Law (Romans 9-11 #6)
Separating Out A Believing Remnant (Romans 9-11 #5)
From Israel: the Patriarchs and the Christ (Romans 9-11 #4)
From Israel: the Law, the Worship, the Promises (Romans 9-11 #3)
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